Monika  Sleszynska

Ancient Passion

Monika's Story:

Here is a reflection of my journey towards connecting with the Higher Self and the Source. It has been put together from the puzzles revealed at times yet fitting perfectly and I know I will discover more of this subtle beauty as I expand my Awareness to more of its aspects. Writing it has been incredibly powerful in gaining new understanding and attaining new awareness to certain aspects of my life. As I have reflected it was a journey of breaking through resistance, transforming the belief system and transmuting the density. 

It took years to do all of this and is an on-going process.  I know anyone can arrive at this peaceful place. 

I had a powerful impulse to write The “I Story” written December 2014 - August 2015. It is my journey to Inner Awareness and a connection with the Source.  There was a call from the Universe to help the exceptionally beautiful and living planet Gaia. 

I am aware of the challenging process to honour and respect both the human consciousness and the Source.     I was told of my journey with my family, friends and of travelling to many places.  Everything and everyone served a purpose. 

Even though throughout my journey I was not aware of incidents, accidents and/or events I realize now I didn’t need to know it all.

There have been good times and bad times.  I learned valuable lessons from them all and those involved.  Sometimes I made decisions that led me down the wrong path but that ended in great helpfulness in future decisions.

At 1.35pm on the 29th July 1980 in a small town in Poland I was born. 

Now... “this is a perfect moment in the Earth's "time" and you are much awaited and the star and galactic alignments are advantageous. They will assist the encodement of your unusual features. We have much faith in you and the many tasks for you to perform.  You will incarnate through the Green Ray of Archangel Raphael. Off you go..." 

The family I was born into welcomed me with love and support.  I expected others to react with joy at my sight.  These occurrences helped me to learn more about my emotional self and how I repeated stories and patterns over and over.  

But this definitely helped me to recognize inner aspects of myself and others.  It was not an easy journey and there are too many details and events to describe here. 

I have learned to respect myself and others because the journey of our lives can be frustrating and annoying and sad but the beauty of emotions is a big part of the journey.

I became able to transcend these states of conflict and transmute these emotions to make it easier for myself and those around me.

My childhood, however, did feel like a massive struggle with lots of pain.  The conflict of those around me became more intense and the surrounding emotions were heavy.  All of this was reality for me and I knew there was a way out but I also knew it would be a long journey back to my true self.

It seemed like my family were so close and loving toward me but they were violent and disruptive towards each other.  I didn’t feel safe.  I consequently spent a lot of time by myself finding comfort in Nature.

There I found much joy in creative expression.  I dreamed and imagined and then found myself unsure and withdrawing and became insignificant, indifferent, conforming and unaware of who I am.  I became afraid to express myself and didn’t understand why others had untrue opinions of me.  I felt helpless.  I was confused.  

I entered college and discovered it was not a space for my creativity and happiness.  I experienced much stress.  I made friends and found comfort in that challenging school system with interesting discussions about superstitions, dreams, ghosts, cursed places, signs and all sorts of the unexplained.

I met a Fortune Teller and found it fascinating. The mystical kept drawing my attention.  I followed my inner ‘gut feelings’, my intuition.

I discovered Yoga but was warned it was a dangerous practice and evil could enter my body in some postures.  I stayed with it.

I discovered my Divine through Yoga and paid attention to my ‘special’ dreams.  There was more fear than understanding in the unexplained.  My journey searching for answers led to more visits to psychic. A lot of it made no sense at the time.  And then I began to feel safe again.  My Mum strongly believed I am guided by members of the family who had passed away by now.

I sense it is my father and grandmother who watch over me and thank them for guiding me from my silliness and irresponsible actions.

After some time I decided to move to London and after another few visits to psychics I got interested in auras.  One psychic told me I had all the answers within and did not need others to tell me.  This didn’t make sense to me.  I kept on reading piles of books and attending dozens of circles, workshops and trainings from intuition development to energy work.  

My ears got blocked for a few weeks and I was told “You won’t find the answers until you live the answers.”

I then went to Egypt.    (cont'd at right)


I found my Soul.  I received messages but did not make much of it.  I participated in super meditations and energy work,activations, portals of light, star gates and inter-dimensional gateways.  I opened myself up to the flow of Source.

Yet I was still searching ‘out there’ and had not developed trust for what is within.

One day I sat inside the Second Pyramid until I saw the inter-dimensional light with my eyes.  I cried.  

Even after this I did not trust my connection and information.  Various events and emotions still caused much confusion.  But by looking inside – through hypnosis, energy work and channelling – more magic was discovered and took me to an incredible awareness, profound healing, reality shifts and communication with the Divine.

Many things started to happen – an overwhelming hug from Gaia . . . communication from Princess Diana.

At the beginning of my life journey I know now my Higher Self was communicating with me all of the time and assisting me in my early years to journey through much density and a peculiar belief system.  It took me so much time to learn to believe and trust it.

I have journeyed further into what I – we – are truly capable of while in this dimension.  I researched hypnosis and energy sessions and one time while facilitating a hypnosis session a colleague experienced multidimensional consciousness.  I finally experienced this myself and glimpsed a vast ocean while diving freely through its waves.  It was beautiful and profound.

Part of my mission – if I am to accept it – is to teach people about multidimensionality and at the same time I am learning how to deliver it. This mission draws to me both the light and the dark and it is my soul strength that discerns between them. Somehow I know I am well protected and no harm will come to me unless I ignore the signs. Over time I have been guided to know I will discover most of what I need to know in this lifetime and will enjoy the ‘vehicle’ I inhabit engaging in much movement, dance and performance.  The message to me is how I will find comfort, connection and joy with the system here called Yoga.  Joy is the operative word here. 

Joy will be my compass in making the more advantageous decisions. I am told it will help me to discern activities and approaches and I will have the capacity to become a leader but it will be up to me how and if I engage.

As I steadily progress with my work I will be given new and expanded aspects of my Mission. It needs to be this way for a solid foundation to be built. “Oh, and by the way your body will change greatly as you raise into the higher frequency of your expression.” So I will no longer be putting the very harmful substances into my vehicle which I have learned to enjoy. “It will take you time to adjust and integrate this as there will be a resistance but you will eventually manage that well.” 

The good news is at this point I will gradually start meeting others like myself. It is important that I unite. And beyond this I will be part of many circles, organizations and communities. The assistance will help me establish, build and develop all of the above. Emotions are very important to balance and will help the Earth connect with the Cosmic.

My mission is to serve the Universe and be a channel and a bridge for human and Cosmic connection. Helping others find answers and solutions to this wonderful connection is my focus. 

I joined the Multidimensional Leadership School after being told in a dream to join this and the connection with my Higher Self has greatly expanded and at times been very overwhelming.  I learned to hold more peace and love.  The course with the Arcturians has greatly expanded my awareness and connection to the Source.

One evening I had a strong impulse to sit down and record:  “Message for Humanity...” The last line was:  “Tomorrow is a big day”.  At the same time a special soul entered on another continent.  A baby girl was born and I felt it immensely.  Much was revealed and more was to come.

Accessing deeply esoteric knowledge and perceiving intergalactic alignments is an incredible gift and a profound experience yet there was a deeply personal journey I needed to go through in order to fully integrate these skills and gifts.

It has been and still is an on-going journey.  I went to Egypt and found my spiritual home there.  I went to the desert to find myself and I did.  But that is another story.

I hope you enjoyed this sharing of my consciousness, journey and purpose.  I hope this serves you, ignites you and assists you in moving forward towards your vision.  

You have all the answers and solutions within.  Just reach. 

With light and joy,  Monika

 Experience an Egyptian Alchemical Journey or Find out more about Monika Sleszynska by visiting her Website, Following her on FacebookLinkedInGoogle+ and Twitter 


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