Debbie's Story...
Okay, so it is accepted that life keeps shifting and changing – it’s called progress. And, for the most part, after we stop fighting each new transition, we usually get into our groove and begin to acknowledge this next uncharted voyage of discovery unfolding before us.
When young, I learnt that I had psychic abilities, but at that time in my life there wasn’t the openness and understanding for me to learn what that really meant. Hearing voices or seeing spirit could easily get a person committed to the "Looney Bin" and many decades of" scam artist"s had created distrust for anyone who claimed to be "connected". I soon learned it was best to keep what I was seeing/hearing to myself because at the time I WAS the only one privy to it.
It wasn’t until I was a young woman that I was granted the supportive opportunity to appreciate what that would eventually turn out to be. A true GIFT that I could share with others to help and assist them in their lives.
With that new found certainty, I took training to hone and improve my abilities assuming my calling and direction was already decided by the Universe. One thing I try to remind everyone is that we are ALL born with spiritual or psychic capabilities. It is purely our decision whether we develop them further or not.
The way I like to rationalize it, is think of yourself playing a sport. Initially you learn the basics and go out and play. If you really improve upon what you already know, you will take lessons and develop your skills until eventually you are not just good, but great at it. The same applies to being clairvoyant!
For all of us, our life is made up from a sequence of pathways where we get to choose the direction. I have to admit that even in my life, I sometimes feel that it is not so much handpicked as me being shoved into the next phase of my learning.
My latest journey I discovered was just unfolding, because as I was being inducted into my 55th year, I thought, (yes, thought) I was visibly accepting and adjusting to the shifts as they kept appearing before me in the years that had passed. At this point in my life I was blessed to be travelling across Canada with my husband, who is a Past Life Regression Therapist. We both love what we do, each separate yet privileged to be able to work alongside each other. Many times, I am open to exchanging energies with others to help me recognize and acknowledge things I need to see too. There is a saying, “there is none so blind as those that cannot see” and that seemed the case when I sat in front of Denise, who did inner child readings in Charlottetown, PEI. The message I got was that spirit were not so happy that I wasn’t doing what I should. “Can you give me a clue” I asked?
But spirit can be very shrewd. Giving the answers verbatim is not how they do things. After all, it is their prerogative. For me, a few night’s dreams started to expose the bigger picture on what they wanted me to do at this point in my life. It was about working with Vibrational Energy, a subject at that point I knew nothing about.
It began with sound, moved rapidly into therapy and concluded with the need, not expectation, for me to create an oracle deck. Three new horizons to conquer and a timeline of “DO IT NOW”. For those of you who already work with spirit, you will know that it is always a non-negotiable agreement. Oh, yes I did question “why me” and “surely there must be better qualified people to do this”. But it falls on deaf spirit ears, basically, take the straw, suck it up and get on with what needs to be achieved. Even though you question it, always be thankful and remember to acknowledge that they chose YOU for a reason.
The next few months were packed with learning, writing and just being opened up into realms of infinite possibilities with this new and transitioning energy. All the while, metaphorically, shaking at the knees wondering how it could EVER be possible to generate any of what they wanted into a reality Continued at Right...
After the writing of the Oracle deck was completed, I was totally aware that the artist was still no closer to being found. I had spoken to almost everyone I knew, emphasis on “almost”. It was then that Karen in Evansburg, AB, a very spiritual being, stepped in and introduced me to the work of Heather Brewster. Heather, I found out later had always wanted to do a project like this. You know the old saying “be careful what you wish for because it might just come true”. Well it did. With an amazing artist on board who was connected with the work, it was just a matter of finding a publisher... or was it!
Spirit, most of us accept, moves in mysterious ways. When they have a plan, even if YOU haven’t seen any of the blueprints yet, know it is going to happen. When the timing is right, you get swept up in the momentum, most of the time not even really knowing what you are meant to do.
That is where TRUST comes in. The KNOWING that you just need to do this, and most of the time, not even knowing how or why! Your own life force just opens up and that is when you are truly connected to the universal forces of faith and belief. It’s like standing on the edge of a high cliff arms stretched wide open and just letting yourself free fall into the abyss.
There are only about 10 publishers Worldwide that focus on Tarot & Oracle decks, so I started marketing the potential of the deck without allowing the rejections to go beneath the surface and rock my foundation. After all, I had spirit in my corner!
Then it arrived, a contract to publish the deck. It was only after reading the small print I questioned whether this was really what I wanted. So what was the alternative? Self publishing, gulp! That journey alone is another amazing story which I would love to share one day. There were so many things to consider, learn and understand about this new venture that I felt it would never happen. But then the day arrived when I held the first deck in my hands. It was real, exciting and just the beginning! Now all I had to do was get out there and sell them!
On tour across Canada, I started in BC with 300 decks in our vehicle and soon realized the popularity. By Manitoba I was sold out, so re-ordered 500 more. By the time I had reached Newfoundland it was apparent I would need more so I ordered another 1000 decks. In less than a year I have marketed and sold to 71 stores in Canada and 9 in the United States. I know I haven’t even scratched the surface and there are many more yet to come, because I believe in what is possible.
Never doubt that you are too old, or question why me, because ultimately you are inadvertently casting doubt on the highest source of wisdom, your soul connection. Socrates was right when he said “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing”.
We are forever learning and evolving, because I conclude that when we stop, we die and move forward to start a new adventure in another life
Contact Debbie via her website Vibrational Energy, Friend her on Facebook or Follow her on Twitter