Taking the Leap “OutThere”
Deborah's WOW Story:
Like many millions of women (and men) there comes a point in your working life when you have been cast aside, downsized, outsized or ostracized one too many times.
In May 2008 I became another statistic. They say that every dream starts with a thought. I wanted to be master, or in my case, mistress of my own destiny. But did I have the “grit” to get onto this roller coaster ride and “just do it”? My husband and family seemed to think so. “Take your dream and run with it”.
But could that dream - my vision, turn into something that would benefit others (which is corny) and sustain me financially?
Being a lady of many hats (literally) I put on my thinking cap and created a blueprint in my mind – which I have to say was much, much easier than putting it all down onto paper ... you know, the unavoidable business plan required by the bank. Of course we all know that out of the 20 something pages painstakingly created from hours of research and writing they only really review two things – the executive summary and the financials! May we have a minute’s silence for yet another tree that gave up a branch all in the name of the paper!!
What I wanted to create was an online (yes, you got it.. no paper) recreational & leisure resource directory for communities worldwide that everyone (businesses, individuals, promoters, organizations) could all list events & activities for free! What if every community activity or happening was included and accessible to everyone wherever in the world they live and play? Could this in turn help reduce global warming by decreasing the amount of tourism brochures printed?
Each city has its own portal, which gives it local and global appeal. The site houses over 3 million cities worldwide. Everything listed is promoted via social media. We even have a weekly horoscope page and blog at least twice a week, mostly promoting the events added to the site via our listers.
I am not a politician, head of state, famous person or teenage "tekkie" programmer. What I am is British and a grandmother, so I am armed with everything I need to succeed – vision, patience, tenacity and several bars of Cadburys chocolate! Continued at Right...

Deborah is a Proud Member of Our WOW Directory.
The birth of “Out There 4 U – Community Online”
came mid November 2008 and although my dream is still in the process of
becoming a reality, I know that over the next few years, people
worldwide will take ownership of this philosophy.
In the meantime, when I lose my direction or heart (and sometimes my
mind) my family & friends remind me “You know this will work, so
don’t give up. We believe in you and will continue to do so until you
are ready to believe in yourself again”.
If I can ask for one thing, it would be that you the reader take part ownership of my dream and share this with EVERYONE you know – because truly, the power of one can influence and change the world.
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