In 2013 I was so heartbroken seeing families sleeping under the bridge on Michigan St. in downtown Buffalo. I, myself, faced obstacles but none as bad as the families sleeping in the cold snow.
My 4 kids (who are adults now) and I started off feeding them apples, sandwiches and bottled water, because that’s what I could afford. Then I began to reach out for help on Facebook others joined in to help.. On Easter in 2014 we fed 115 people hot a delicious meal and that’s when I knew the City of Good Neighbors had my back in the fight against hunger.
My ultimate goal is to one day purchase a Food Truck so we can travel across the City of Buffalo and feed more Homeless in different neighborhoods. We R BUFFALO STRONG also provides clothing and toiletries to our homeless community.
For the next four years I was feeding the homeless men and women in downtown Buffalo. I made hot meals and passed them out near the library and the bus station and then began cooking meals and spending time with homeless kids at The Compass House.
In December 2017 I hosted a “Feed the Homeless Drive” on Christmas Eve. I had tables and chairs set up outside and served the homeless food across from the Buffalo Public Library. I just needed volunteers to help me cook and serve food. No matter what the weather, this was happening. I also gave them hats, gloves, and scarves .”

Evette started the organization to feed and clothe homeless men and women in Buffalo. To learn more about the organization Like them on FACEBOOK.
Download a copy of the song, "We R Buffalo Strong" for .99 cents at the link below.
All proceeds go to We R Buffalo Strong to help feed and clothe the needy in and around the Buffalo NY area.
Sweet Buffalo https://sweetbuffalo716.com/buffalo-woman-to-host-christmas-party-for-the-homeless/#:
WKBW/am Buffalo Ch 7 https://www.wkbw.com/am-buffalo/we-r-buffalo-strong-founder-gets-holiday-gift