Gloria's WOW Story:
How life can change in a moment – a new direction set – or is it the original direction remembered – or a reminder of a chosen mission!?
As Christmas was fast approaching, I found myself reviewing the events and changes, during the year (1994) that all seemed to enhance happiness in my life. (A new marriage; near death experience; seeing the seemingly invisible human aura; and this endless thirst for truth and knowledge) Was I aware on some sub-conscious level, that the several important choices I made this year would turn out so well? I was sure enjoying the ‘happiness high’ of present and felt compelled to give thanks, as I sat down, appreciating the warmth and solitude of my little home on this sunny winter afternoon.
I chose to meditate and voice my inner thoughts of gratitude to God. As the brilliant colours floated in my mind’s eye, I relaxed further into meditation. Upon completing my heart felt expression of thanks, my thoughts drifted to inspiring a gift of love for my new husband. My creative mind seemed completely blank of ideas, so I concluded to return to meditation at another time. Then suddenly … as I moved to stand up, the sound of a very deep male voice seemed to fill my being - fill the room I was in – and resonate through the entire house. The words I heard were a suggestion. “DRAW HIS ANGEL” was the message! Where had this come from????????? I am alone in the house – am I not????
Startled – surprised – shocked – overwhelmed – fearful – all of these words and emotions described my immediate reaction. Then a wonderful sense of peace and safety consumed me allowing me to accept what was happening – as normal!
Instinctively I began to search for the art paper and chalk pastels I had purchased – (on a whim several months earlier?) and sitting down calmly with the art pad openly resting on my knee and a pencil held upright over this pad, I returned to meditation and waited - as if this was familiar to me? My reaction again was immediate with disbelief when the pencil began to write out words on the art pad. I jumped up knocking both pad and pencil to the floor. How can this be happening to me ?! This was the first question that sprang to my heightened attention. While pondering this thought and pacing the room – time seemed to stand still. Feeling somewhat more in control of the situation, or trying to convince myself of this, I cautiously sat back down to regain my composure.
I started with these question thoughts! WHO ARE YOU? - WHAT ARE YOU? - WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? - the questions tumbled out – my curiosity now alert and my impatience for answers showing.
My willingness to comply with this request must have registered quickly, as the writing began and continued – signing off with the name of my husband’s angel “Buddy”. The page seemed to flip over on its own initiative and a drawing began as my hand was directed, dropping the pencil and picking up pastel chalk from the box that sat open beside me. My hand moved quickly with direction, selecting and applying colour. Then when I opened my eyes – a colourful Angelic presence stared back at me.
WOW! - this is exquisite, breathtaking and it actually happened to me! I can hardly believe it! Now what? These thoughts disturbed my awe of this unfolding experience.
Instruction “to wrap it up as a gift to my husband” were clearly received in my conscious mind. However, I immediately questioned this wisdom. My husband is a skeptical person and I thought, this gift would seem inappropriate to him, I rationalized. I needed time to think this through. So I wrapped it up and hid it behind the Christmas tree, giving my logical mind time to process all this.
The next two weeks I agonized over what had happened to me – trying to get past the nagging doubt and reluctance to acknowledge that I had been singled out – by Angels – to receive and give this gift. Endless questions surfaced – I needed real proof! The seemingly indisputable wisdom of their answers – with continuous signs – and intimate closeness – gently moved me into - a leap of faith. How could I not comply with this Angel request? “Give him this gift” was the insistent message. “He has so much to gain and you have nothing to loose”. Christmas Eve arrived and my mood was of a joyful calmness as I handed the last gift – this special gift to my husband – with only a brief outline of how it came about. He gingerly opened his gift with inquisitive glances at me. His immediate reaction and comment surprised and encouraged me to fill him in on the details of my experience. His loving response was – “I’m not sure how to react to this gift – however I am touched that you wanted to do something very special for me” My relief and anxiety dissolved. My original intent of a gift of love to him was accomplished with extraordinary heavenly help.
My courage grew to speak openly to selected others of this event and gift I had received from the Angels of The Light. As the curiosity of my family and friends changed to encouragement or caution as they requested their own Angel portraits and messages, confidence grew to allow me to welcome whatever delightful adventure was waiting to come into my life. The uniqueness of the portraits and accuracy of the messages were compelling and agreeable to me. Awesome and tender – showing unconditional love – emotionally touching the recipient of this special connection was my observation when sharing this gift.
Should I have been more leery or doubting? Well – my Guardian Angels of The Light tell me … “I chose this mission! That I was clever as we all are, and even chose my name Gloria for it’s meaning, as I bonded with my parents during the fetal growth and suggested this name to them.
Also that I chose to birth into the Messenger family – for the experience I would gain to assist me on this life mission”.
Then a gentle nudge was given to me to research the meaning of my name. To my surprise the uncanny meaning to my name relates to Angels!
Gloria – meaning Celebration/Angel/Love and Messenger – meaning Deliver/of Important Messages/Angel. Do life’s mysteries unravel for each of us – as we become more alert and aware of our feelings and surroundings enabling us to make better choices!
As the new year began, my enthusiasm for life seemed to lift also. Courage seemed to surface with ease as (Continued at RIght)
Gloria Messenger is a Proud Member of Our WOW Directory.
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ease as decisions to change careers and work from my home lead me to more self-confidence in my ability to createdecisions to change careers and work from my home lead me to more self-confidence in my ability to create the
lifestyle I had always dreamed of. Christmas arrived again in a swift
passing of eventful months. Feeling overwhelmed and humbled by the thank
you cards, shared stories, angel gifts, and loving words from those who
came into my life as a result of this awesome gift of Angel
communication – fueled my desire to share these touching personal
stories. The heavenly guidance continued in my life with the idea of a
newsletter with the theme of Angel Awareness.
Shortly thereafter I received a touching push into print. Tingles of inner knowing went up and down my spine – as I listened intently over the phone to my daughter as she began to relate the details of her experience with my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter that very evening. “Mom – your not going to believe what just happened!”…. my granddaughter had interrupted the lullaby they repeatedly sang together after her evening bath – by pointing out and describing an Angel that was in the bath room with them. She drew my daughter’s attention up to the ceiling above the mirror lights saying – “Look Mummy, an Angel”.. the words flew out of her mouth. Starring at the area did not reveal to my daughter the Angel – however as she questioned her daughter further and watched her actions – the voice of this little 2 1/2 year old went on to say … “It’s twirling around and around – it’s a man angel – it is right there Mommy – it says … I wuv you!” To our amazement she has repeated these words to others over the years in startling detail and has drawn me a picture of this Angel vision.
From the mouths of baby’s – a heavenly boost – the Angel Awareness newsletter was launched and literally took flight. The Angelic encounter stories began to pour in and the circulation began with 150 copies – quickly exploding to 1500 copies in print over several months – then to 3000 copies distributed around the world. My husband and I delighted in seeing the return address and postage of the letters arriving in our mail box.
These letters inquired about my Angel gift of communication – they shared their own personal Angel experiences – and offered permission to print these stories in the Angel Awareness newsletter. They also expressed their own awe at the personal message and portrait of their Angels – seeming to mirror them – with accuracy about their lives and insightful guidance for their future. The letters continued to arrive from nearby and distant towns, cities, and countries – within Canada, U.S.A., Australia, Belgium, Croatia, England, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Micronesia, Puerto Rico, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, etc. The circulation of this newsletter appearing inexhaustible, especially after interest in my story was published in several magazines. The Celestine Journal – by James Redfield out of Asheville, North Carolina, USA ; Roman Catholic newsletter, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Beyond Reason magazine, of Port Robinson, Ontario, Canada; as well as a local TV interview; Angel meditation demonstrations; speaking engagements/ workshops near and far placed this work into the public eye. This Angel Awareness newsletter is presently on hold for future application.
My journey is continuously guided … as an Angel Visitation meditation c.d. was produced, entitled – On Wings You Connect; a workbook to assist in Angelic connections – entitled Angelic Guidance to Self Discovery … a looking glass journey with The Angels of The Light; plus a series of ongoing adventures in the works. Autographed Copies of her newest book, A Mirroring Discovery...With Angel Visitations is a delightful, insightful conversation between her Gloria's Mind, Soul and THE ALL/The Angels of The Light.
We truly do have FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES – always available to us!
Visit Gloria's Website, Youtube or Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google +
Gloria Messenger as she is today after a Laughter Yoga Session