Jean's Story:
My name is Jean Hart, I'm an artist. But my story doesn't begin here, it ends and continues there.
In 2000, I was sitting in my car and reached behind me for a bag that I had put in the back seat. I had stretched so far back and twisted so hard that I slipped a disc. The pain was severe and I called my chiropractor immediately. The pain was sever and I called my chiropractor immediately. After having an x-ray he diagnosed me with Spondylolisthesis. The pain in the low back, thighs, and legs, especially after I would work a shift in the bakery was so intense my back and legs would go into spams. I tried hard to continue working and the people working with me helped me so much. They offered to pick up the heavy boxes of bread for me. My supervisor even changed the schedule so I could go to the Chiroprator each afternoon,. But after a year I just couldn't do the work any longer and had to leave a job I loved.
I was so lost. My days were filled with doctor appts. sitting on ice, walking for exercise and worrying what we were going to do without my income.
The days were long, and I felt anxious. I felt like I should be doing more to contribute to the family.
One day a catalogue for the local college came in the mail. I started looking for classes that I could take. Classes that would help me with my skill to be employed again.
I keep turning to the Art section. Well, I thought to myself, while not a career class it could get me out and back into taking classes.
I started with one drawing class and a art history class. I loved it. I could not stop drawing. I find that when I drew I was not in pain. When I read about art the hours of the day flew by. I could not get enough. I had three books going at once at all times. One was a biography of an artist I liked, one was a how to paint book, and a third was a marketing your artwork.
The college had a art reception for the students and I put my artwork in. Before the night was over I had sold both pieces of art. I came home so proud of my success that I told my husband right then, not to worry, I was going to be an artist I joined the art club in my town. I started to show my artwork in fairs, (continued at right...)
and exhibits and entered contests. My artwork was winning awards and I was being asked to do solo exhibits. During this time I was still going to the chiropractor, walking and doing P/T. I was also painting a painting a day.
In 2009, my son Matthew designed a web page for me. I opened my art business, Jean Hart Artwork. I have a online store at zazzle and my cards and prints can be found at the local museum in my area.
The Internet has helped me get my artwork seen. I have joined many sites and organizations. In 2011, I was asked to be an administrator of the Art Canyon Art Gallery.
This really opened my eyes to the art world. It provided me with exposure to international artists and opportunity to exhibit my work in shows around the world.
When one door opens it seems like a flood of good things start to happen. In 2013, I was accepted into the National Society of Painters in Casein and
Acrylic. Here is where I really started to feel like an artist. The ideas, theories, techniques I've learned from these artists has developed my skills as an artist today.
When I was so low, and lost my way, and had no idea of what I was going to do next. People from around the world came to help me. They encouraged me, supported me, and believed in me. Never underestimate the power of compassion.
I feel my greatest accomplishment as an artist is offering my original paintings to people.
You can contact Jean Hart by email follow her on Facebook, Youtube or visit her store/website (coming soon) or artwork blog