Kathyrn  Kimmins 


Laugh Yourself Healthy

Kathryn's Story:

Laughter, My Best Buddy!

Laughter has been my best buddy as far back as I can remember. I grew up with a father who loved to make people laugh. He was always smiling and laughing.

As a young child I was very sensitive I mean super sensitive. If you looked at me, I thought you were either talking about me or laughing "at" me. I wish Laughter Yoga had been part of my life back then. I might not have been so self conscious and unsure of myself.

Many times I found myself alone and crying. My best friend at the time was my dog, Perky. He listened to me, showed compassion and empathy, without judging me. Though I was insecure, fortunately I was also unbelievably resilient. 

So many times we are told when we're young,
"Be quiet, stop talking, this isn't the time or place to laugh."

So when is?

One day while visiting friends of my parents, I came running to my dad crying that their children were ignoring me. BOO HOO!

He sat me down and told me that if I could make them laugh, they would want to play with me. Everyone loves to laugh.

It turned out that I was a natural laughter catalyst. 

All I needed was permission to laugh and my fathers encouragement.

Laughter was my way of releasing the everyday hurts of being a child and teenager.
(You remember how tough it was to fit in.)
I learned very young if I wanted to feel better all I had to do was laugh. No use crying over spilt milk.

You've heard the expressions, Laughter is the best medicine, or laugh it off, well even when I was young I knew how important it was to let go.

I never forgot these expressions and lived by them through the tough times and the good ones. So instead of crying, I laughed and regained my perspective on life in a positive way.

In 2002 I started my journey to becoming a Holistic Practitioner delivering through spiritual guidance, Hands on Healing encompassing Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy and Touch for Health.

I was aware that I needed another technique to add to my personal healing tool box, but was not sure what that might be until 2010.

I started working at a health food store where I gained enormous knowledge of natural food supplements. I started a daily regime of supplementation to better my chances of a healthier lifestyle and to help others do the same.

It was at the same time that I heard about Laughter Yoga and started attending weekly sessions for the fun of it. There I realized again how laughter could release pain, stress, frustration and loneliness. My missing tool had been found!

Laughter Yoga gave me the opportunity to be silly, tap into my child-like spirit, be around others who love to laugh and to share this unique concept with those who had forgotten how to laugh.

In March, 2010 I became a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, accredited by Dr. Madan Kataria's School of Laughter Yoga. In the past two years I founded and continue to facilitate Concession on the Mountain Laughter Yoga Club, the Pied Piper of Laughalot programs for school age children and Living Healthier Lifestyle Seminars through Laughter Yoga to profit and not for profit organizations.

I volunteer my time to Continued at Right...


run and lead Laughter Yoga sessions every second and fourth Tuesday night. I lead my classes outside at Sam Lawrence Park while the weather is nice and when the temperature starts to drop, we meet indoors.

Club members can tap into their child-like playfulness, release stress, dump depression, boost their immune system and feel part of a positive community

I have met many wonderful people who are motivating, encouraging, supportive, inspiring and happy. I love tapping into my happy inner child on a daily basis because miracles start to happen.

Dreams come true.

In November 2011, I introduced Laughter Yoga on the MSC Poesia cruise ship. In Key West, Florida I helped thousands of people laugh for no reason. (Well, I did have this corny chicken hat on my head.)

I've always encouraged people to laugh, be happier, but on a smaller scale. Now I'm able to motivate, inspire and transform thousands of people, young and old, through my Laughter Yoga classes and seminars in both Canada and the USA.

Helping people to bring more laughter and joy into their everyday lives so they can live a healthier lifestyle has become my joy, my passion, my love.

Since I became a certified leader I have facilitated Laughter Yoga presentations in the Hamilton area as well as the greater Toronto area, the Haldimand District and the Niagara Penisula at corporate events, public schools, day cares, colleges, universities, retirement homes, financial institutions, recreation centres, church functions, Alzheimers support groups, Huntington Society of Canada, brain injury/cancer clinics, health and wellness events, retreats, hospitals, hospices, women auxiliary groups and Hamiltons Sexual Assault Centres, Take Back the Night at City Hall.

In addition, I hope to follow Dr. Katarias example, and bring Laughter Yoga sessions to those in detention centres and prisons.

Courtney Corbeil from McMasters radio station CFMU FM 93.3 invited me twice to be a guest speaker on her show talking about Laughter Yoga and its many benefits, along with Jill Robinson from Blog Talk Radio.

In the Hamilton, ON, area, I have appeared on CTS Network television, CHCH, Hamilton Community News and Cable 14 News Hamilton where they interviewed me about the concept of Laughter Yoga and asked fellow laughers about the benefits they have been receiving. I even traveled to Oshawa to be a special guest on Rogers TV, Easter Monday, 2013.

I have also had introductory articles about Laughter Yoga published in three different health magazines, and am planning to submit follow-ups shortly.

My dream of taking the teacher training with Laura Gentry, an ordained minister in Iowa, came true in October 2012 at the Assisi Heights Spirituality Center in Rochester, Minnesota. Laura has established a rewarding and fun-willed, part-time career in Laughter Yoga. As a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, my first Laughter Yoga Leader training was on June 29 and 30, 2013”. 

My mission is to create laughter everywhere I go, every day, with everyone, from the young to those who are young at heart in all walks of life. My goal is to create a world where healthy people come together in harmony and peace, creating a lifetime of happiness for one and for all. My purpose is to lead by example so I can laugh forever in the minds of others.

Now for my next dream, traveling the world laughing.

Visit Kathyrn's Website or Connect with HER on FacebookLinkedIn & Google+ for more info 



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