Lisa's Story:
I have heard the voice of God speak to me on four occasions. The first time, I really didn’t like what He had to say. My marriage was in trouble and I was doing everything I could to save it, but God said I want something better for you.
I was driving at the time and I nearly swerved off the road. Good thing I didn’t because I was on a bridge at the time.
“I don’t want anything better,” I said, as fast as I could. “I just want what I have. Help me keep what I have, don’t make me lose it.” But God had said what was on His mind and that was that.
I was thirty-one years old and I had been married for four and a half years. My husband was a career man and I had known that when I married him and I thought I would even enjoy being by myself, having time to myself to do my own things, while still having his love and support.
But his love and support was mainly for himself but be that as it was, I still didn’t want my marriage to end, I was hanging onto it for dear life.
The marriage did end. I tried everything in my power to keep it going but in end, we got divorced.
Shortly after that, I moved to Australia (I was born and raised in South Africa and I was still there at that time.) My sister had moved to Australia and she told me the magazines there were incredible. And she was right. I’m a magazine art director in my day job and what do you know, I got a job at Vogue Living! I thought God had been right and that my life would be onwards and upwards from there.
But it was not so. My life in Australia was terrible. The job was a nightmare and I was so lonely. I struggled to make friends and to fit in and I couldn’t help but wonder what God had meant – what I was experiencing might have looked good on paper, working for Vogue and living in Sydney, but it was sheer hell.
After two years, I threw in the towel. I booked a round-the-world trip, first stop Toronto. And I never moved on from here.
Now, what I haven’t mentioned, is that I have always aspired to be a novelist. That’s been my ultimate dream, to write novels and have them published.
I had been working at this since I was fourteen and to my dismay, all I received was rejection after rejection.
The only time I stopped writing was when I was living in Australia, trying to survive and keep my head above water.
And then, when I came to Canada, I didn’t instantly fall in love with Toronto, in fact, I thought it was the biggest, flattest, grayest city in the whole world. But I soon realized that it was a treasure trove of literary delights; authors everywhere, book clubs, workshops, magazines, publishers and editors and it occurred to me that I might in fact be able to do something with my writing here and so, I stayed. Mainly for that reason. I arrived in 2000. I had my first book published in 2010 so you have to know, none of it has come easy but I am now on my way to having my fifth book published Cont'd at Right...
Lisa deNikolits is a Proud Member of Our WOW Directory.
of it has come easy but I am now on my way to having my fifth book published and if this is what God meant when He said He wanted something better for me, well, I’ll take it!
I have also been with a wonderful man for nearly nine years, and we have been married for nearly five. I don’t think I can count my blessings because it would be hard to count such a large number.
As I say, God has spoken to me four times. The third time was when I was thinking of going to Australia but I had no idea if I could make a go of it. God said I believe in you.
Then years, later, I was standing in a Tim Horton’s lineup, glumly facing the day and wondering where God was in all the minutiae of the daily grind and God said, I am bigger than you can possibly imagine.
And recently, I’d had a bad day at work and I was telling myself that it didn’t matter, that in the end, it was just a job and that I shouldn’t let it get to me (that people could be so rude and difficult and hard to please) and God said everything matters.
That's it, my story in a nutshell! These days, it’s the cool thing to disavow religion but I won’t do that. I don’t go to a formal church anymore, but I see God in nature, in my writing, when I am designing and when little children are the sweetest things alive. I am glad I see it from the perspectives that I do – that God is always there, and who knows when I hear from Him again!