Twenty years ago, I decided to follow in my sister’s footsteps and begin reading cards and working with numbers. For years I have counselled others as a tarot card reader and numerologist.
By doing so I could focus on others and while doing so could coast through life relatively well handling things as they came along without ever having to look back at how or why my life choices had shaped me.
The business of life didn’t give me much time to access or shape my life. It did, however, keep me from dwelling on any hardships as I raised three daughters on my own and worked in education for thirty years.
Now I find myself happily retired and recreating myself. Reflection and the willingness to learn more about myself only serves to strengthen my heart’s work. For the last seven years I have been able to work out of my home, through the Internet and on the phone.
When I was starting my business, I received many amazing messages of guidance from my Angels, and I was always so driven and thankful. My very first show was the Toronto Psychic Fair. My Angels helped me apply! Reading cards is a passion of mine for sure.
As much as I tried though, I was never the kind of tarot card reader that predicted the future. My readings would often be deeper and more therapeutic. My answer wouldn’t be, “you will meet a dark-haired man in August”, my answer would be “you will meet a man when you overcome your trauma, release your issues and forgive yourself for the past”.
To be truthful, I struggled with this for a long time, comparing myself harshly with other readers. On hindsight, and from the feedback I constantly received, my readings were grounded in the present and helping people work with the NOW. In doing so, the future could be anything they wanted it to be. They were in control and had the free will to change the predicted future.
In the last two years, I have chosen to embrace my authentic gift continuing to pursue it while delving into learning more about and embracing myself.
I have connected with four new teachers and taken three incredible courses. I have been studying, learning and healing myself. I have become more aware and authentic. My life is lighter, kinder and less about other people and their opinions.
I am busy developing a very spiritual layout where the client is counselled by the cards and recently, with my researcher sister, I am delving into the experiences of my ancestors using the cards. Here I am discovering patterns of hardship, neglect and abuse that help me understand myself. I am working with seven different decks. I have gifted a number of clients with readings and asked for feedback to help me.
One of my teachers talks about Death Cycles in business (and life) where we move through profound transformation in our work (and our lives). This is where I am right now. I am in a Death year (add the digits of my birth with 2021 and the total is 13, the Death card)
It has been an inspiring, insightful, exciting and empowering time. I do not know what the future holds. I haven’t asked my cards. They are a visual aid for those who need them, and I will continue to use when my ego tries to take over or a I need a divine intervention with this reliable tool. Mostly, for now, I am going with my gut, my angels, my body wisdom and my teachers.
It is true that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I am so happy for all the blessings in my life. Helping others help themselves will always play a role in it for me.