So, you have a dream and it seems impossible, what do you do? While others may not see you in the same dream for success as you see yourself, listen to your intuition, if it feels right, go for it and stay the course.
My journey has taken me over many paths, up and down valleys and mountains. As the oldest of 5 siblings, I was always the one in charge, the leader of the kids on the block, the teacher. I was born in England after WWll when my parents left Austria. Even though my family struggled, we had a fairly good childhood. There were the struggles financially, then emotionally when our parents began to have trouble coping with my dad's illnesses, lack of work, stress, and many arguments. Although I was the oldest and the leader, as I got older my confidence faded, and I became very shy. Wanted to be the one in the shadows.
My education began at St Ann's Catholic school, then Lakeport High School where I met my husband in the detention room in grade 12! You never know where chance meetings will lead you. LOL. We dated for 5 years (he was 17 and I was 18) and married now for 46 years, with 3 sons who are married to 3 amazing daughters-in-law and 6 grandchildren. My grandchildren are the joy of my life. It's true, you never experience love and joy until you have a grandchild. They have a special place in your heart.
For a time, I asked, "Was this all there is to life?" I was team mom for the boys' hockey teams, and life was busy but not really fulfilling. I loved going to the hockey games, but once "hockey life" stopped, what was left?
I have a 5-year Arts and Science diploma, and went to Teachers College for one year. Years of research and self-education continued. I learned to meditate, EFT, computer skills, graphic design and am a Certified Therapeutic Art Life Coach. Most of this learning was through blood, sweat and tears.
My search took me through several experiences, mostly in sales from make-up, to satellite dishes, pots and pans, retail sales, office equipment sales, advertising sales, magazine publisher and assistant to a real estate sales representative. Some would look at my career changes and think what a failure. I know I did. I knew there was something else I was destined to do. Each and every job or challenge was a life experience to learn and grow. A failure is not a failure if you have learned something from it. I challenge you to look at those times you thought you were a failure. Did it make you grow and learn, even through the tears? In 1994, I experienced a surgical mishap and I almost died. Sometimes the Universe will send you a wake-up call. I knew I needed to pay attention to the message, and that there was more.
My emotions and feelings left me with a sense of not being worthy of success. I wasn't smart enough. I wasn't professional enough. I didn't have enough money. I couldn't find success and I didn't deserve it. Sometimes people you think are friends, just get up and walk out on you. You never get to find out why. I know I have made some mistakes. I've had to accept that sometimes it wasn't my fault. Do you find in your life experiences you doubted your abilities, your worthiness, and second guessed yourself? My advice to you is to remember that you are worthy, you're amazing, and you have purpose.
I've learned some very important things to help me "stay the course". (Cont'd at Right)
Owner of REVA (Rosemary Evangelista Virtual Assistant} or friend on Facebook / connect on LinkedIn CEO of Women Empowered Magazine, CCO of CYFO Change Your Future Outcome, Marketing Dir 2, Melaleuca Online Wellness Company, Real Estate Assistant to WOW Gal Janice Campopiano